How to Work with the Devil

@wildunknown Tarot

@wildunknown Tarot

This morning in my daily pull, the first card pulled to my surprise was the Devil. In Tarot, there isn’t a “bad” card in the deck, each one presents truths, opportunities and challenges to overcome. But needless to say, I still had a moment of, wtf, when I flipped over this card.

I just had an amazing weekend filled with Reiki and Beyonce (concert at the Rose Bowl). I have been actively working on my “stuff”— emotionally, mentally and spiritually. So initially when I saw this card I wasn’t sure exactly what it was referring to.

As my day progressed and I got to my office job, my mood instantly shifted. I was irritated, stressed, overwhelmed. I noticed myself getting triggered by small things and realized I was slipping into a comfortable thought pattern of mine— frustrated and “poor me”. The light bulb went off and I decided to face the Devil head on. I realized that I have been so active in focusing on trying to surrender to my present situation, that I wasn’t allowing myself to feel all my feelings even negative ones. Instead, I was putting pressure on myself to be ok and not be upset or annoyed by circumstance. But what I realized today, is that I need to allow my feelings to flow fully before I can completely surrender.

I went outside to ground and allow myself to feel whatever I wanted to feel. I allowed the anger to come, the frustration, the overwhelm, the “poor me”, all of it to come. Almost like a child throwing a tantrum, I let my ego run wild for a few minutes. When it was done, I did a little shake off to release it and then I was on my way. I instantly felt better. I needed to acknowledge these feelings in all their glory in order to completely release them. This is something I discuss often, but sometimes with ourselves, we can be blinded by these spots in our lives. Leave it to Tarot to call me out and hold me accountable for all my stuff. 

My teacher used to always say, you can easily flip a card, shift the energy of the card if you will. You have the power to reverse the energy, harness the full potential of the energy or even change the energy completely. When you see a card that makes you uncomfortable, listen to what it is trying to tell you and use this knowledge to shift the energy. And today, I did just that. I danced with the Devil and came out the other side. I will continue to allow this lesson to weave into my daily life. It’s simple, effective and really makes a difference.

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