Wild Wisdoms

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Leo: Three of Cups
It is officially Leo season and this is your month! The three of cups is urging you to gather with others of like minded intentions and celebrate your differences as well as your similarities. Don’t feel like you have to go at it alone all the time, Leo. The more you convene with others who support your goals and the more success will flow. Take the time this month to find groups, friends, networks that can help you create a community of support and lead you further along on your path. Don’t forget to revel in the abundance in connections created. Whether or not you reap direct results this month, these connections will pay off at some point along your journey. You never know who you might meet, so get out there!

Movement: Dancing— Dancing is a very social activity that blends different skill sets and draws a wide crowd of people. Dancing this month will encourage you to put yourself out there, engage with others and allow your ideas and/or emotions to flow. This movement helps you to tap into the energy of the universe and will connect you with others on a similar wavelength.

Food: Strawberries— They offer a great lesson in abundance and replenishment. Just how joining different groups of people can create success  and growth, Strawberries also encourage sharing and kindness. When eaten, they fill us with generosity to help us become providers and connect us to those around us in order to create a cycle of abundance. Not to mention, they are extremely high in Vitamin C and antioxidants and help with inflammation and anti-aging.


Virgo: The Magician Rx
Now that we are in a fiery season, do not let this scorch your earth Virgo. Do not be afraid of the passions and speaks of energy that may fly this month. Be open to these energies and allow them to work for you in manifesting your dreams. Playing with fire can be dangerous if unsure, but when done with confidence and assuredness, magic can appear. Step into your own power this month to create and achieve your goals. Your practicality and organizational skills will be amped up and you will be ready to use what is available to create lasting results. The Magician reminds us we are the creators of our realities and if we are ready, we can harness his power to aid us in consciously co-piloting with the universe. 

Movement: Jump Rope— Jumping rope gets your blood circulating and your heart pumping. It detoxes your organs and clears out what is no longer needed so you can move full speed ahead. Jumping rope also keeps your feet repeatedly hitting the ground, keeping you grounded and rooted in your vision. It also reminds you to use what is readily available to you in order to create what you need.

Food: Wheatgrass— Small but mighty, this food helps remove toxins, boost immunity and digestion and is packed with a concentrated amount of amino acids and chlorophyll. Eat Wheatgrass this month to remind you that you don’t need much to manifest your dreams, just start with what you have and it will get you far. 

Libra: Six of Swords
Libra, this month it is all about focusing on the slow and steady movement. Now is not a time to expect earth shattering results, but instead tiny victories (some may be unseen) that are moving you closer to your goals. Sometimes, the work under the surface or behind the scenes is the greatest and most effective in our growth. Utilize the air energy of your sign with the air energy of the swords suit and the fire from Leo season to keep a steady gust of wind to blow your desires forward. You will begin to become inspired by the little steps that add up to the larger picture.

Movement: Swimming Laps-- This motion will remind you how to glide forward with ease. Although it may not appear as you are going far (especially in a lap pool), if you total up the number of laps completed, it will sum into impressive mileage. Do not be fooled into thinking a workout has to take you to a location i.e, running, biking etc, to get the maximum results. Sometimes the effort into each movement is more important than the ending in a different location than when you started. 

Food: Watermelon— Watermelons are purified balls of water that easily assimilate into our bodies without much digestion needed. When eaten, they remind us that powerful process can be occurring without our knowledge. Sometimes if we allow space for healing and growth, it will readily appear in our everyday lives. Watermelon is also extremely alkalizing, helping you to stay balanced as you continue on your path. Tip: Watermelon juice is extremely yummy and refreshing during these summer months.

Scorpio: Queen of Wands Rx
Feeling a little unsure about transitioning into this fiery season, Scorpio? Fear not, this is your month to step into your power and allow yourself to shine. Do not let your doubts and emotions get the best of you this month and block you from tapping into your true potential. The Queen of Wands reminds us to be confident, witty, and radiating. The Queens rule water (your elemental ruler as well) and the wands rule Fire. Don’t let the water put out your fire, instead, like the Queen, learn to temper the two this month in order to connect to your dreams and passions! It’s all a balancing act, but you’re up for the challenge. 

Movement: Running-- Running reminds you to push yourself forward through any mental patterns or blockages. It teaches you how to break down the barriers and continue making progress. Plus, runners high elevates you and reminds you of your personal power. It doesn’t have to be a long run, but getting out there and creating some forward motion through connecting your emotions and physical body will reap wonderful results.

Food: Sunflower Butter— The Queen of Wands in many Tarot decks has a sunflower— a symbol of radiance, beauty and glory. Eating sunflower butter which stems from sunflower seeds, will help you to harness the energy of the Sunflower and of the Queen of Wands. Spread on toast or apples, put in your smoothies to remind you to bask in your own glory.

Sagittarius: Page of Wands Rx
This month is all about being playful with your desires and creativity. How can you see and create differently? How can you make things more fun? Don’t take yourself too seriously this month, Sagittarius. Now is a time of exploring with childlike wonder and seeing what arrives. By allowing yourself more spontaneity and fun in your life, you might be surprised at the abundance and fluidity that occurs. This mindset will also open more space for the unexpected, giving you exactly what you need, rather than what you thought you wanted. Laughter and silliness is some of the best medicine after all! 

Movement: Bouncing on a trampoline-- Think of this more as bouncing for fun rather than exercise. The winded feeling and effort exerted is just an added bonus. Use the trampoline to channel your inner child— play games, do twirls or flips (impressive if you can!). Bouncing reminds us of the lightness of being free and living in the moment. It helps you to be present in the moment and to let your excitement bubble. 

Food: Raspberries— These berries are great for heart health and full of antioxidants. They remind us to open up our hearts and to live more presently with compassion and love. When our hearts are open we can receive abundance and joy. They are sweet and juicy and can serve as a reminder that life can be sweet and juicy if you allow it to be.


Capricorn: Page of Swords
This card is encouraging you, Capricorn, to take a swing at those big ideas this month. Step forward exuberantly and creatively and see what germinates. Everything does not have to be perfectly thought out this month, instead, keep working and reworking those ideas until you find one that sticks. The Pages empower us to keep learning and that growing through experience is one of the most powerful teachings. Get creative, take a chance and communicate your ideas to all who will listen. You never know when an idea can turn into gold.

Movement: Batting (softball, baseball, cage batting, etc)-- Batting will have you repeatedly taking swings until you strike the ball. Use this as a metaphor for your thoughts, ideas and mental activity this month. As you do this motion, envision your thoughts whizzing past you until you discover one that has the staying power. 

Food: Oranges— This fruit reminds you to put in the work in order to garner the benefits. When eating an orange you have to slowly peel back the skin before you can eat the fruit. Let this act serve as a reminder for you this month; not all ideas may turn into something, but as you chip away and share them with the universe, eventually you will get your fruit.


Aquarius: The Empress Rx
What is standing in your way to feel your own beauty this month? How can you feel more abundant and secure in your own sense of self? This month Aquarius, don’t forget to take the time to pause and connect deeply with yourself. The empress offers and encourages us to revel in and nourish ourselves and the earth. Ruled by the planet Venus, this cards reminds us of the inherent beauty within and that surrounds us. This month, be in nature, take a bath, buy flowers, create an experience that allows you to feel your own beauty inside and out. This will cultivate abundance and nourishment needed for the month ahead.

Movement: Bath-- I know, I know, this isn’t considered a movement or exercise, but sometimes resting is what is best for your body. With that said, that is the case this month Aquarius. A water sign, being in the bath should come naturally for you. Fill it up up add in some herbs, epsom salt, light a candle and nourish yourself

Food: Peaches — This fruit is about 90% water, great for nourishing and hydrating your body. It is also great for your skin and creating a vibrant complexion. Peaches boost our immune system and greatly benefit our circulatory system. They are also sweet and juicy, reminding you that indulging can also be nurturing.


Pisces the sun Rx
This month observe where in your life you can step into your power. Where do you feel blocked or stuck in the shadows? When the sun is reversed, often times there is still some aspect of feeling uncertain within ourselves. The Sun wants you to shine brilliantly and illuminate all aspects of yourself to share with the world. Focus on building your confidence this month, bit by bit and see where it takes you. Don’t forget, you have the ability to light up the room wherever you go!

Movement: Breath of Fire-- This breath is extremely clearing, detoxifying and fire building. It helps you to focus on clearing out any unwanted energies and leaves you feeling invigorated, inspired and creative

Food: Pineapple-- This fruit is rich in Vitamin C, full of anti-oxidants and helps the body synthesize collagen. It is also known to improve your mood and contains amino acid tryptophan which helps your body create serotonin, the "happy hormone". Eat this fruit to channel the sunny energy, its sweet and vibrant and will help you tap into your own inner sun. 

Aries the chariot Rx
Are you afraid to come out of your shell this month? Are you worried that if you let go of your vessel you will not be able to keep on moving? This month reassess the vehicles, vessels, shells that have gotten you where you are today. Is it time to crack open to allow something else to propel you forward? Is it time to find a new way to get your chariot moving? Take time this month to dive into the depths of the attachments and mindsets that we cling to that may be outdated in this season of our lives. Do not limit yourself, but instead recognize where you are going and what you will need to get you there. This might push you to veer off course, get creative and shed some old skins, but what is waiting on the other side is exhilarating. 

Movement: Paddling (canoeing, kayaking, etc) When paddling, there are many ways to get your vessel moving. You can use one oar or two. You can row backwards and forwards. You can apply resistance or force. As you dip one oar in on the left or the right the boat turns in a new direction. Use this a metaphor this month on reinventing your personal vessel and how to gear it up to get moving again.

Food: Aloe Vera— Not only is it famous for its soothing properties, but aloe Vera is also useful for killing of pathogens and viruses. It is perfect for helping you transition and to feel at peace with your surroundings. Aloe inspires us to take a fresh look at the world to see where we could explore different facets or horizons. Use Aloe this month in your smoothies or water to help you let go and pioneer forward.

Taurus: Queen of Cups

As if Cancer season wasn’t enough, The Queen of Cups is asking you to keep swimming in these waters. Double water, The Queen of Cups does not fear her emotions, but rather she allows them to work for her. She honors and respects them, understanding the lessons and wisdom they offer. This month, observe the emotions that flow and ask yourself what are they showing me? How can I allow them to guide me to more deeply connect with myself and my experiences. When we act from a fluid and emotionally open heart center, we can dance with the rhythm of life instead of fighting against it.

Movement: Heart Opener Yoga Flow-- This month incorporate some extra heart openers into your yoga flow. Add in some baby cobras, humbler warriors, reversed warriors, etc. This will help open your heart center and guide you to live with more compassion. Doing these movements in a flowing sequence will help you to tap into the fluidity of water. As you flow allow yourself to embody the Queen of Wands energy.

Food: Lemon Balm Tea— This herb is connected to the Heart Chakra, which is connected to our emotions and compassion. It can help release any nerves or tensions and aid you in feeling at ease. Drink this tea to help you flow with your emotional currents.


Gemini Knight of Swords

Gemini, you being an air sign and the Knight of Swords being ruled by double air is a lot of heady energy this month! This month is definitely go time and empowering you to use your mental abilities to tackle any feat. This would be a good time to work on your communication skills or start a new project. Use the fiery energy presented by Leo season to bring your creative thoughts to life. Although there is a speedy energy this month, be sure to remember to use your words and ideas wisely, you don’t want to get swept away and act before your ideas are fully formed.

Movement: Archery-- This movement will help you to harness the speed of the bows flying through the air. It will remind you to propel your mental abilities forward to aid in completing projects. It will also remind the importance at times of pausing (pulling back the bow) before jumping into a new project or venture.

Food: Mint— This herb is highly rich in nutrient and incredibly soothing. It also can help Improve brain function, perfect for all the mental activity this month. Add mint to fruit salads, smoothies or water to get its full effects.

Cancer: The Moon  

Cancer, you’re ruling planet this month! Now that Cancer season has just come to a close, the Moon is urging you to trust your intuition for the Month of August. Now that you have swam through the depths of your emotions and rode the rough tides, how can your intuition guide you forward in the month ahead? What subtleties can you listen to as you build out your month? The Moon card can feel strange and scary at times, but when you trust in your own inner guidance, it will never lead you astray. After doing some hard work in the previous month, you now feel ready and secure within your own abilities and wisdom to take further along your path.

Movement: Walk in Nature or on the Beach: Being outside and in nature has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and increase of feelings of inner peace. This month, take a nice easy stroll outside— if you can walk near water, bonus points! The water is representative of the Moon, emotions and intuition. This will loosen you up, shift your perspective seeing new sights and sounds and allow you to meditate or tap in with yourself. Use this time to connect with your intuition and see what arises as you stroll.

Food: Cucumber juice— This food is so hydrating and detoxifying. It assimilates with your body and energetically nourishes you from a cellular level. Drink cucumber juice to aid you navigating and connecting with any emotions that arise.